domenica 29 gennaio 2012

News,bad luck,and dragon new year

Hey Guys,we're Nyakora Gals again!
We're doing this post for communicate some news about the latest changes in the gyaru sa. Recently our friend Ritsuko left the circle,and after her Eddie took the same decision,also the reason is the same : because of the distance they could not actively participate in group activities and staying in the gal circle without having a costant relationship with us,and can't doing anything for the material growth of the group,was just senseless. We understand completely their decisions and we're still in touch with them. We hope the best for their own projects!
Reflecting on this events,we've realized that we was in a "lock status". We need to be more active,if not in the web,at least in a material way. Chery has left today the Gyaru sa, by mutual agreement by both that among its other members. She was too far away and unable to move,as Ritsu and Eddie,we've prefered remain her friends but considering her out,because it it had become a too big problem.
Lastly,the change that has moved more things between us (yes they seem endless xDD) Sayuri,who was the one that created this circle with Jadins,chose to leave it after some tormented months. Her life is always be not that easy,she prefered take her time for focusing more on things she thinks are the most important in her life and improving her gyaru style little by little. As you can see it was a difficult period for everyone,no exceptions,but we've found positive views even in the bad luckxD
First of all in this period a new member which we're really proud of,Rose,haved joined us and we're building a good friendship with her. We've taken these facts as a reason to improve ourselves, individually and as a group. We wanna finally direct the gal sa in the way we've always wanted to take.We have a lot of determination and desire to reorganize us,and organize new projects,of course!
As a start we will have a meetup on February 19th, with some italian gals and we can't wait! Hope everything will be ok xD
The fate is also helping us a bit (yay!),we were asked to participate in a small project,which we cant' talking about yet :)
Thanks a lot to all our friends,and all people who support us,even if we're a small and little know gyaru sa >_< this gal circle is our own little world, where we take refuge, and we put a piece of our soul. We believe a lot in it, and we really want to spend all our energies to make it work,even we're sometimes too lazy and messyxD
To you who supports us in spite of everything,thank you with all our heart. To you who don't know us but you've read this post anyway,sincerely,thank you too.
We're waiting for advace and a brand new beginning!
This is the year of a new Mayan calendar,and above chinese DRAGON yearxD
We believe these things are good auspicesxD
We thank you again

martedì 10 gennaio 2012

Hi everybody, first post after our comeback!

Firstly, we're proud to announce that a new girl joined Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa!
She's Ilenia Rose Ninomiya!
We're so happy to have her with us!
Then, we met up in Milan a few days ago.
Sayuri could finally buy new lashes:

We had a lot of fun, and we met such cute chinese guys while we were going out together.
Plus... A surprise! Haha!
We met a... "manager"! Can't say anything more at the moment!

Soon new pics, new meets, new projects, and much more.
With love, Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa

mercoledì 4 gennaio 2012

Where is the Nyakora Gals?

Maybe you all were asking "where is the Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa?".
Yes, we showed ourselves in a bad way, we had so much problems in here, we had great ideas and never achieved them.
Now we're back with some news.
As you can see, our blog has changed a bit it's look. And that's a good thing.
Second, we're sad to announce that Ritsuko left our gyaru-sa.
We're still in contact with her, but because of distance, school and other problems she realized that she couldn't even meet us once a month, so she decided to leave us.
We understand you Ritsu! And we are all with you! (:
We're making projects about special meetings and things like this.
But, for the moment, we're waiting that everything fixes.
Finally, as you can imagine, Sayuri broke up with her girlfriend and she's passing a real bad time. Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa is near to her and is helping her to find out her smile again. (:
We'd love to tell you something more, but that's all at the moment! Stay tuned on our blog!
-Hah, we're sorry Chery doesn't appear in new blog's graphic.
But actually she doesn't have a cool photo to show to you, and we're waiting for this as you all do. Haha, be patient! She's improving a lot!
See you soon!
With love,

Sayuri, Jadins, Nana, Chery, Queenie, Eddie,
Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa

venerdì 14 ottobre 2011

We're proud to announce...

Sparkling Diamond first giveaway!
She is a pretty italian gal, leader of Honey Pop gyaru-sa, from Rome, the Eternal City!
You can find the giveaway and so many interesting things here on her blog!

Goodluck and that the best gonna win!
Chu chu ~


mercoledì 31 agosto 2011

New Nyakora Member!

We're happy to announce you that a new girl just joined our Gyaru-sa, "Nyakora Gals"!
Her name is Eddie, she's 21, she likes to wear Agejo style and she loves reading, metal and rock music, dogs, reptiles and mice.
Her muse are Tsubasa Masuwaka and Kanako Kawabata.
She loves Kitai Zi and Suzu too! (gaijin gyaru)
She'd like to be a fashion reporter or a movie maker for MVs.
Actually she's studying Letters at University.

For those who want to read more about her, we link here her personal blog!

venerdì 26 agosto 2011


Ha inizio a partire dal giorno 1 Settembre il primo "Reality Show" fatto da gyaru, per gyaru e con gyaru.
Se vi aspettate un allegra serie di video in cui le gyaru escono e fanno amicizia tra di loro... beh, ci siete vicini, ma  non è questo che vogliamo proporvi.
Vogliamo invece mostrarvi il lato più vero (e talvolta spietato) delle Nyakora Gals, perché siamo sì carine e solari come delle brave gyaru, ma siamo anche competitive, gelose, sorprese, sconvolte, organizzative, tenaci, e proviamo un'immensa varietà di emozioni.
Come ci relazioniamo con le altre gyaru-sa?
Cosa pensiamo di loro nel privato, senza scriverlo sui blog?
Cosa si nasconde dietro ogni decisione presa, cosa succede durante le nostre pause e sparizioni?
Insomma... chi sono davvero le Nyakora Gals?
In questo "programma" (ispirato a Jersey Shore e riadattato alle nostre possibilià) avrete modo di conoscere tutti i lati delle Nyakora Gals, di origliare le loro telefonate, di vedere come sono quando levano trucco e parrucco.
Se vi aspettate le tinte rosa del film di Sakurina, allontanatevi dal nostro canale youtube: le ragazze vere lottano, mordono, graffiano, ridono, si abbracciano, si appassionano, si emozionano, legano e vivono, che il pc sia acceso o meno.
E insieme vi mostreremo le nostre Gyaru-lives un po' più da vicino.

giovedì 25 agosto 2011


Benvenuti a tutti sul nuovo blog delle Nyakora Gals!
Qualche anticipazione:
Su questo blog pubblicheremo a nostro piacimento la nostra quaotidianità e le nostre Gyaru Life.
Le raccolte di foto, i video, i progetti e il resto rimarranno sul vecchio blog: che diventerà un forum con progetti interni e iniziative online per utenza da tutta italia (ammesso che ci sia, vedremo!)
Quindi sì: noi Nyakora approdiamo definitivamente su blogspot! (Non abbiamo resistito!)
Settimana prossima il nostro vecchio blog si trasformerà in forum, vi conviene tenerlo d'occhio perché una volta diventato forum, si riempirà di cosine interessanti allo scopo di attirare nuovi amici (non necessariamente praticanti dello stile gyaru!)
Esiste già l'Agepoyo, vi direte.
Ecco cosa dico io: sì!
Le nostre intenzioni non sfiorano minimamente il voler concorrere o boicottare qualcuno, sia chiaro! In tutto il mondo esistono centinaia di community dedicate al Galism, e la nostra non è che l'ultima tra queste. Tutto qui!

Per oggi le news sono finite!
Cari saluti da tutte noi, aaand

Stay tuned on
Nyakora Gals.