mercoledì 4 gennaio 2012

Where is the Nyakora Gals?

Maybe you all were asking "where is the Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa?".
Yes, we showed ourselves in a bad way, we had so much problems in here, we had great ideas and never achieved them.
Now we're back with some news.
As you can see, our blog has changed a bit it's look. And that's a good thing.
Second, we're sad to announce that Ritsuko left our gyaru-sa.
We're still in contact with her, but because of distance, school and other problems she realized that she couldn't even meet us once a month, so she decided to leave us.
We understand you Ritsu! And we are all with you! (:
We're making projects about special meetings and things like this.
But, for the moment, we're waiting that everything fixes.
Finally, as you can imagine, Sayuri broke up with her girlfriend and she's passing a real bad time. Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa is near to her and is helping her to find out her smile again. (:
We'd love to tell you something more, but that's all at the moment! Stay tuned on our blog!
-Hah, we're sorry Chery doesn't appear in new blog's graphic.
But actually she doesn't have a cool photo to show to you, and we're waiting for this as you all do. Haha, be patient! She's improving a lot!
See you soon!
With love,

Sayuri, Jadins, Nana, Chery, Queenie, Eddie,
Nyakora Gals Gyaru-sa

2 commenti:

  1. Sono contenta di vedervi di nuovo all'opera ragazze!:) bella la nuova grafica!** Quando ho visto che non c'era la foto di chery ci sono rimasta male, pensando che avesse lasciato, per fortuna non è così!!!:) (ciliegina mia, non vedo l'ora di vederti all'opera!^.^/) Mi piace seguirvi, state facendo tutte degli enormi miglioramenti e poi mettete tanta allegria!*___* Continuate così Nyakora!^.^
    Tanti saluti da Mashi-chan <3

  2. eheh si la grafica è ancora incompleta,aspettiamo le altre foto ;)!
    Grazie Mashi-chan,hai ragione ci impegniamo tanto per migliorare*^* <333
